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The Meaning of Life

Why am I here? What is the meaning of life? What's the point of it all? These are questions that humans have been asking for thousands and thousands of years. The answer is actually quite simple and has two parts.

  1. Do God's work. Just like there are many rules and laws that can all be summed up into the two Great Commandments, there are also two commisions that can sum up why we are here. God has given us two great commissions in life. We are to:
  2. Enjoy God and doing his work. John Piper in his book Desiring God really pioneered putting words to this principle. So I am not going to put much time into explaining it here. You should really just go and read his book, but here is the short version. God created us to fulfill a certain purpose. We all have been giving the task to care for this earth (Genesis 1:26-28). All Christians have been givin the task to spread the Gospel message (Matthew 28:19-20). Many men have been given the task to be fathers and husbands. Many women have been given the task to be mothers and wives. Some have been given the task to be plumbers or doctors or teachers. Whatever task you have been given by God is the task that you should be doing. You were created for a purpose and you will be the happiest while you are fulfilling that purpose. Since we have all been created to worship and fellowship with God, we will all be the happiest when we are doing that. We will find our greatest satisfaction and joy when we are closest to God and doing the work he has planned for us to do.

Copyright: Dan Van Wormer 2022-2024