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End Times

When will Jesus return and what are the Last Days? This is an extreamly popular subject. Back when I was pastoring, someone told me "If you want to fill your church, preach about the end times." Before we can even talk about that subject, we first need to understand what is the purpose of prophecy. This is where the vast majority of people go astray, and they have been for thousands of years. So there are two purposes for prophecy that we will talk about and there is one large misconception about it that we need to cover as well.

The first purpose of prophecy is to glorify God after the prophecy has been fulfilled. Look at the description of Jesus' crucifixion in Isaiah 53. It doesn't make sense until you know the story of Jesus. The Jews had certainly gotten it's meaning wrong. However, looking back now and reading about the crucifixion of Jesus in John 18-20 we can see how faithful God has been over all those years. That is why the apostles quote or mention Old Testament prophecies so often when they are telling the story of Jesus in the four Gospels. The old prophecies being fulfilled are the evedince of God's faithfulness, as well as evidence that Jesus is the Messiah.

The second purpose of prophecy is to give us hope as we look forward to the future prophecies being fulfilled. We have hope in the future prophecies because God has shown himself faithful in the old prophecies.

Prophecy is NOT so we can know the future. As mentioned before, the Jews certainly did not understand the Old Testament prophecies about Jesus. Off hand I don't know of any Old Testament prophecy that the Jews got right. The wise men that visted Jesus understood them better than the Jews themselves did. One of the arguments used by many Christians today, is to accuse other Christians with a different end time view of "not taking the Bible literally." This is the same argument that the Jews before Christ's time would have used. This is why they thought the Messiah would be a political saviour and not their spiritual saviour. This is one of the biggest issues I have with most premillennialists. They love these long and detailed timelines of the end times that show each step of Jesus' return and what each part of Revelation stands for and the order in which they will be fulfilled. I can say with complete confidence, that they more detail they add the more they are wrong. For 2,000 years people have been saying that "Jesus will return by the end of this year", or "Jesus will return on this date", or "Jesus will return in my lifetime" and every single one of them was wrong.

So if we don't spend all of our time tying to figure out the meaning of all of the symbolism, which world leader is the anti-christ, what the mark of the beast is and what year Jesus will return then what do we see the Bible saying about Jesus' return? It's actually quite basic and can be summerized into three points.

  1. Nobody but God the Father knows when Jesus will return, so stop trying to figure out the timing. Matthew 24:36 - “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
  2. Things will be really bad until Jesus returns. If the tribulation is a literal 7 years or 7,000 years really doesn't matter. Bad things have been happening to Christians ever since Jesus ascended into heaven, and they will continue to happen until he returns. The apostles certainly thought that they were in the tribulation.
  3. God is ultimatly in control. Matthew 28:18 - Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Trust in God, have faith in him and stop worrying about the end times.

Jesus will return. It doesn't matter when that will happen. The when is not the point. The point is that we have faith, trust in him and do his work until he does.

So what do I personally belive? Personally, I agree with the apostles in believing that we have been in the end times ever since Jesus ascended into heaven and was seated at the right hand of God. Prophecy in the Bible is purposefully vague and overlapping. Events and locations are not specific or linear. Every evangelistic Christian that I know would say that all of the good things that happen during the millennium are happening right now in heaven. Jesus is ruling and all is at peace. All of the bad things that are prophesied to happen during the tribulation could be attributed to the horrific events in the past two thousand years (Genghis Kahn, Hitler, WWI, WWII, the genocide of the Jews and other nations, etc…). So the millennium and the tribulation are both happening right now. They are happening at the same time, but in different locations. The millennium is happening in Heaven and Jesus rules there (all authority in heaven and earth has already been given to him), and the tribulation is happening right now on earth. Jesus will return to earth at some point and Judgment day will most likely commence immediately.

Copyright: Dan Van Wormer 2022-2024